Tuesday 15 November 2011

Zombieland Title Sequence analysis

Right from the start of the titles, we can see that the typography is bold red lettering, red symbolising blood and gore. We instantly now that this is going to be a horror film when we see the characters falling from buildings in slow motion. Everything is very gory and effective as it is in slow motion which really emphasises the blood and gore almost making the audience cringe.
Through the titles sequence, we get an insight into where the film will be set, which is America. We know this by the look of the houses, the firefighters wearing yellow uniforms and also the number plates on the cars. The music that is used is brilliant as it fits with the visuals very well. The music is heavy metal music which is know for being quite loud and crazy which may mean that this film is going to be crazy. The film ends very abruptly with a very nice POV shot of a zombie flying into the screen of a car. The titles end with this shot and we can hear a church bell, then the screen blacks out. This is my favourite part of the sequence as the bell represents death, as does the blackout.

The visuals in this film play a major part in effecting the audience and really engaging them in the sequence. At the start of the sequence, we can see a woman being chased by another woman who is a zombie. The woman's drink comes out of her cup which is very effective as we can see by her facial expressions that this is going to be a scary film. Also, when we see the rather large man running, this is comical as the filmmakers want to make us laugh at his body jiggling around in slow motion.

Throughout the title sequence we have learnt how the filmmakers intend the movie to be a comical horror movie. Personally, i found this title sequence very engaging and effective as the slow motion visuals really grabbed the audiences attention. The music fits in perfectly with the visuals as it it is heavy metal and to me, heavy metal works very well with horror films. Overall, i think this is a great title sequence due to the way it engages the audience and grabs their attention. After watching this sequence, it has made me want to watch the film even more.

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